The 3 R’s
A guiding philosophy for change



Real, long-lasting change requires individuals and organisations who are open. To be open requires curiosity, self-awareness and the courage to receive the truth of a situation or narrative as it is heard from all perspectives. Open listening is guided with the intention to understand and bring greater awareness to previously held assumptions, biases, values and beliefs that could be potential barriers to change.


Receptivity is followed by a reflective practice: the meaning making. By asking the often difficult questions, through a process of inquiry and clarification, a deeper level of understanding and new learning can be arrived at and unhealthy behaviours, practices and dynamics can be named and explored. A new narrative can emerge, that has been co-created by those involved in the change process who are poised and enabled to act from this common place.


By investing time in the development of receptive and reflective methods, individuals and organisations are able to respond from a place of strengthened relationships, collective intelligence and systemic knowledge. Decisions made will provide more effective long-term solutions and support the creation of more creative, healthy and thriving practices and cultures.