‘Manifesto in Absentia’ (2015)

This manifesto was devised over a series of workshops at the private members club, The Hospital Club, to reflect both the club's ethos to create, connect & collaborate and its admirable sustainability agenda.  The name ‘Manifesto in Absentia’ reflects the absence of club members in the process. Although advertised via the club’s events listings and receiving member bookings for the workshops, no member joined. The answer to this absence; whether the pressures of life and work or a limited interest in the topic of sustainability remain unknown.

The final textile banner manifesto was displayed at The Hospital Club during their 2015 Sustainability Week, November 14th-November 20th.


Over the course of two workshops at The Hospital Club, participants (non-club members) collaborated on the chosen final words for the manifesto through exercises and brainstorming on the club’s sustainable and charitable agenda. The final words were created in collaboration with the spoken word collective Illustrated Minds; Kidwondr, Shak & Minkles.
Each workshop began with a review of Bohm’s dialogue guidelines to reinforce the objectives of the workshop. 

Guidelines for creating a dialogue

Be relaxed
Be non-judgemental
Be curious
A dialogue is a direct, face-to-face encounter
Dialogue is something creative
There shall be no “speaking at each other”
We aim to share our opinions without hostility
'an each one of us be aware of the subtle fear and pleasure sensations that “block” his or her ability to listen freely?
In a dialogue everybody wins; there shall be no attempt to gain points or to make your particular opinion dominate
Accept that an opinion is an assumption; ‘it is important to see that the different opinions that you have are the result of past thought
Can each participant try to suspend their assumptions; do not judge them as good or bad
We will share our judgements and assumptions with the spirit of fellowship and trust
‘It isn’t necessary that everybody be convinced to have the same view’
Each person shall participant; partake of the whole meaning of the group and take part
We shall test the traditional definitions of what it means to be human
We shall make something in common, by creating something new together

Source: On Dialogue, Bohm, D, 1996 


The invited spoken word artists responded to a brief set by the workshop facilitator.
These poems were performed and filmed at The Hospital Club and published in the magazine, Communicare.  They are available to watch on the Creating Meaning Youtube channel.


The completed manifesto was made into a textile banner, made from upcycled shirts and ties.  It was hand embroidered in The Hospital Club over a period of 25 hours, across 7 weeks.  This method of ‘Craftivism’ was employed in an effort to engage other members of the club in the activity and purpose, and promote Sustainability Week 2015.