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 ‘Generations of Wisdom’

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During my role as Knowledge Sharing Coordinator for the Global Landscapes Forum I lead the co-creation and facilitation of 4 workshops in order to contribute to the rights-based approach to sustainable landscape management, and to begin a collaborative consultation process for the Decade of Ecosystem Restoration. The ‘Generations of Wisdom’ inter-generational dialogue invited participants to take part in a facilitated Bohm Dialogue process, producing powerful reflections and takeaways for many participants.

“With the youth climate movement growing around the world, a thriving community of 50,000+ forming the Youth in Landscapes Initiative and countless other communities of young people standing up for their rights and the rights of our future planet, there is no time like the present to participate in an intergenerational dialogue. With many young people holding the older generations accountable for the state of the planet, it is only by coming together with the intention to listen without judgement and harness our collective intelligence that we will be able to share meaning and create common ground from which to continue to work towards and implement solutions to our current crisis. “

“I’ve been inspired by the idea that we can do more than change policies and actually change mindsets,” said one “Generations of Wisdom” workshop participant. The GLF community wants comprehensive change to the narratives that inform understandings of human-nature relationships and social justice.