The Big Think

The Big Think (TBT) is an empowering whole-school, whole-child, wellbeing programme that has been developed to help children aged 4 to 11 build positive relationships, become aware of their behaviour in the context of values and choices, and develop a sense of who they are. TBT uses a unique structure of KS1 and KS2 talking Assemblies that introduce a weekly Value and The Big Question across the whole-school, with immediate follow-up sessions back in class for more personal exploration and reflection. 

In 2018 I worked with TBT Curriculum Developer, Sarah Pengelly to develop a dialogue process to introduce the programme and its special features and content to the school community. The pre-programme Community Values Dialogue invites teachers, staff, parents and children to explore their personal and shared values and increase understanding, improve relationships and strengthen existing school values.

Find out more about The Big Think and their unique approach here.